Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmastime Is Here!

I'm back! I am a bit delayed at beginning this blog for Christmas, but I have begun celebrating already. I spent 13 hours shopping on Black Friday and spent yesterday with my family at the Ohio Theatre watching A Christmas Carol.

I read the book this year. Of course I've seen countless movie versions (1938, 1951, 1992, 2009) so I knew the story well, but it was a great delight to read, and it is very short so I could easily be read during the busy holiday season. I recommend everyone do so at least once; after all, it is a classic.

The stage version we saw yesterday was amusing. The most impressive effect they utilized was with Jacob Marley. He was shaded with a green gel spotlight and introduced through the fireplace which was engulfed in smoke. His dusty-looking costume made his ghost eerie and otherworldly, whereas the other spirits were more lifelike and traditional in red and green velvet. Seeing it was a great way to kick off the holiday season.

Be sure to revisit the great old time radio programs which coincide with the holiday season. My favorite is the charming Cinnamon Bear which takes two children on a journey to find the silver star for the top of their tree just in time for Christmas.

Jump Jump and the Ice Queen can be streamed here:
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon can be streamed here:  

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